Jeremy Shockley American, 1982

Jeremy Shockley's surrealist paintings alter landscapes using the techniques of trompe-l'œil to create the optical illusion of three-dimensional space on a two-dimensional surface.  Influenced by magical realism in liturature, his style of painting adds humor and magical elements into mundane situations in a matter-of-fact way, playfully tricking the viewer's perception of space. 


By physically slashing canvases in his studio, he studies the shape and shadow to create the painted illusion of thin slits that suggest two eyes and a smiling mouth or a layered phrase in oil paint.


Jeremy Shockley (b. 1982) is from South Carolina and lives and works in Los Angeles, California.  He has exhibited internationally with V1, Copenhagen, Moosey, UK and The Bunker, LA and The Hole, NY.